The land you are about to enter, the H-Bar-G Ranch Property, is private property. It has been owned by the same family for over 90 years. The owners regard themselves as stewards of the land and it is precious to them. Their mission is to preserve the natural and historic features of the land while they enjoy the land with their family and friends.

At the same time, the owners recognize that property near the Ranch is public land owned by the U.S. Forest Service, which provides unique opportunities for recreational use. While that public land can be readily accessed by other routes available to the general public, the Ranch Roadway you are about to enter also provides convenient access to parts of that public land. Thus, the family has allowed their friends and invitees to use the Ranch Roadway to access the nearby public land.

Historically, such use has been, and remains, expressly permissive. The family foresees that such permissive use will likely continue sometime into the future. Nevertheless, at their sole discretion, the owners reserve their rights to limit or preclude any use of the Ranch Property & Roadway, and further to revoke any permission, express or implied, to any person or to all persons.

Because of the increased pressure on recreational use of public land, the owners recognize the importance of stating explicitly the conditions and limitations of use of the Ranch Property that had previously been readily apparent and understood. Thus, it has become necessary to make these conditions and limitations express and in writing as the family members desire that their friends still have access over the Ranch Roadway, subject to these conditions and limitations.


The only permitted use of the H-Bar-G Ranch Property is for access to nearby public land, and is by way of the Ranch Roadway way which is demarcated by the readily apparent travel surface. Such access is permitted only over the surface of the Roadway, and permission is expressly not given for any use of the Roadway other than for access to nearby public land for recreational purposes. In addition, permission is expressly not granted for any use of the Ranch Property other than use Ranch Roadway as described herein, without the express invitation by an owner or family member. In addition, permission is expressly not granted for any Commercial use of the Ranch Property, without the express invitation by an owner or family member. Finally, permission to access the ranch property does NOT constitute permission to access any private property that is adjacent to, or nearby the Ranch.


  1. Driveway access is limited to pedestrian, bicycles and horseback. Do not enter the Ranch Property if the Roadway gate is locked. A locked gate denotes a temporary revocation of permission to use the Roadway.
  2. Any dogs accompanying visitors must be leashed or under voice & sight control.
  3. Please stay on the Roadway surface at all times unless you are expressly invited to other parts of the Ranch Property by an owner or family member.
  4. Please do not exceed WALKING SPEED for any mode of access.
  5. Please be respectful of the private property rights of the owners and their families at all times.
  6. Do not dispose of trash or place any other materials or objects on any part of the Ranch Property including the Roadway.
  7. Do not remove or take any object or part of the Ranch Property or any improvements thereon.
  8. During your use of the Roadway, please do not make excess noise that might disturb the quiet enjoyment of the Ranch Property by the owners, their family, their friends, their invited guests, their pets and livestock, and any wildlife.
  9. While on the Ranch Property, including the Roadway, discharge of any firearms in any form, or the use of other weapons such as, without limitation, bow and arrow, slingshots, etc. is strictly prohibited.
  10. If approached by any owner, family member or invited guest, please obey their requests or directives without question.
  11. You must not question the authority of any owner, family member or invited guest who directs that you not use the Ranch Property, or leave the Property at once, for any or no reason. Please fully and immediately comply with any such directive.
  12. While on the Ranch Property, if approached by any animal, please take all reasonable measures to avoid interaction with the animal and, under no circumstances, take any action that might injure or maim any animal.
  13. You enter the Ranch Property at your own risk. You agree to release the owners, family members and guests from any liability arising out of your use of the Property & Roadway, whether permitted or not.
  14. If your conduct at any time while on or near the Ranch Property causes any damage or injury to the Property, any improvements thereto, or any occupants of Property, including animals, whether authorized to be on the Property or not, you agree to be held personally liable for any actual, resultant or consequential damages caused by such conduct.
  15. You further agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the owners, family members, and their guests from any and all liability arising out of your conduct for injury to persons or property, including any attorney fees incurred thereby, to the fullest extent permitted by the law.
  16. Any visitors who fail to comply with these conditions and limitations will be considered to be trespassing.